For Shipper’s Information!
Lasare Cargo Terminal offers the clients Standard and Fast sending services. Please take below shown time frames into your kind consideration:
When sending cargo on the Cargo flight using the Standard service, the customer must submit the relevant documents (including the completed customs declaration) 10 hours before the departure of the flight, and carry out the procedure of receiving the cargo no later than 24 hours before the flight departure.
When sending cargo on the Passenger flight using the Standard service, the customer must submit the relevant documents (including the completed customs declaration) 5 hours before the departure of the flight, and carry out the procedure of receiving the cargo no later than 24 hours before the flight departure.
When sending cargo by Lufthansa Airlines the customer must submit the relevant documents (including the completed customs declaration) 9 hours before the departure of the flight, and carry out the procedure of receiving the cargo no later than 24 hours prior to the flight departure.
When sending special cargo, the customer must submit the relevant documents (including the completed customs declaration) 6 hours before the departure of the flight, and the procedure of receiving the cargo must be carried out no later than 24 hours before the departure of the flight.
When sending cargo on the Cargo Flights using the Fast Service, cargo receipt, as well as the submit of the relevant documentation (including the completed customs declaration) must be held min. 10 hours before the flight departure.
When sending cargo on the Passenger Flights using the Fast Service, cargo receipt, as well as the submit of the relevant documentation (including the completed customs declaration) must be held min. 5 hours before the flight departure.
When sending cargo by Lufthansa Airlines, please take into consideration: the customer must submit the relevant documents (including the completed customs declaration) 9 hours before the departure of the flight, and carry out the procedure of receiving the cargo no later than 10 hours prior to the flight departure.
When sending special cargo, the customer must submit the relevant documents (including the completed customs declaration) 6 hours before the departure of the flight, and the procedure of receiving the cargo must be carried out no later than 7 hours before the departure of the flight.